
After pystack limit reached, MQTT service continues retry until timeout

jersu11 opened this issue · 7 comments

Adafruit CircuitPython 9.0.4 on 2024-04-16; Adafruit PyPortal with samd51j20

Discovered while debugging a connection issue with adafruit_aws_iot library. If the pystack is exhausted, the MQTT client will continue retrying until eventually failing with MMQTTException('Repeated connect failures',)

1564.623: WARNING - Socket error when connecting: pystack exhausted
1564.625: DEBUG - Resetting reconnect backoff
1564.821: DEBUG - Attempting to connect to MQTT broker (attempt #0)
1564.823: DEBUG - Attempting to establish MQTT connection...
1564.827: WARNING - Socket error when connecting: Socket already connected to mqtt://
1564.829: DEBUG - Resetting reconnect backoff
1564.832: DEBUG - Attempting to connect to MQTT broker (attempt #0)
1564.833: DEBUG - Attempting to establish MQTT connection...
1564.837: WARNING - Socket error when connecting: Socket already connected to mqtt://
1565.035: DEBUG - Resetting reconnect backoff
1565.037: DEBUG - Attempting to connect to MQTT broker (attempt #0)
1565.039: DEBUG - Attempting to establish MQTT connection...
1565.042: WARNING - Socket error when connecting: Socket already connected to mqtt://
1565.044: DEBUG - Resetting reconnect backoff
1565.047: DEBUG - Attempting to connect to MQTT broker (attempt #0)
1565.048: DEBUG - Attempting to establish MQTT connection...
1565.247: WARNING - Socket error when connecting: Socket already connected to mqtt://
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 159, in <module>
  File "", line 145, in connect
AWS_IOT_ERROR: ('Error connecting to AWS IoT: ', MMQTTException('Repeated connect failures',))


I have a similar issue on CircuitPython 8.2.10 with MiniMQTT 7.7.0.
I'm testing a project against for use with Home Assistant. I use a VM running HA and the Mosquitto Add-on broker.
If the broker is running when the code starts, it connects fine, publishes and receives, as expected.
If I stop the broker to simulate an HA restart, the project won't reconnect even after the broker restarts and seems to think the socket is still open.

1152.346: WARNING - Network: MQTT client not connected! Will retry in 10s.
1152.348: INFO - Network: Attempting MQTT reconnect...
1152.350: INFO - Network: Connecting to MQTT broker
1152.352: DEBUG - Attempting to reconnect with MQTT broker
1152.353: DEBUG - Attempting to connect to MQTT broker (attempt #0)
1152.355: DEBUG - Attempting to establish MQTT connection...
1152.358: WARNING - Socket error when connecting: Socket already connected to mqtt://
1152.360: DEBUG - Resetting reconnect backoff
1152.362: DEBUG - Attempting to connect to MQTT broker (attempt #0)
1152.363: DEBUG - Attempting to establish MQTT connection...
1152.366: WARNING - Socket error when connecting: Socket already connected to mqtt://
1152.368: DEBUG - Resetting reconnect backoff
1152.370: DEBUG - Attempting to connect to MQTT broker (attempt #0)
1152.371: DEBUG - Attempting to establish MQTT connection...
1152.375: WARNING - Socket error when connecting: Socket already connected to mqtt://
1152.375: DEBUG - Resetting reconnect backoff
1152.377: DEBUG - Attempting to connect to MQTT broker (attempt #0)
1152.378: DEBUG - Attempting to establish MQTT connection...
1152.382: WARNING - Socket error when connecting: Socket already connected to mqtt://
1152.383: DEBUG - Resetting reconnect backoff
1152.385: DEBUG - Attempting to connect to MQTT broker (attempt #0)
1152.386: DEBUG - Attempting to establish MQTT connection...
1152.390: WARNING - Socket error when connecting: Socket already connected to mqtt://
1152.391: WARNING - Network: Could not connect to MQTT broker. Waiting 10s
1152.394: WARNING - Network: Received exception 'Repeated connect failures'
1162.395: WARNING - Network: MQTT not reconnected!
1162.397: WARNING - Network: MQTT client not connected! Will retry in 10s.```

This may or may not have a similar origin, but the error at least has similar errors at the end.

Updated to CP 9.0.4 and am having similar behavior. Client gets stuck in a PINGREQ loop and never gets out, even once the broker is back up.

@chrisgilldc Please say which board you are using and have you updated to the latest version of all the libraries?

@dhalbert This is on a Metro M4 Airlift Lite. Libraries were updated to the latest from the bundle. I'm out at the moment but can try updating the libraries individually later today.

Also, have you updated your airlift firmware?

@chrisgilldc I might also recommend this branch: #213 as it has a little better error logging