
not working wth OLED Featherwing on nrf52840

jerryneedell opened this issue · 7 comments

I just tried running the test cases on a particle argon (nrf52840) with an OLED featherwing and I just get a screen full of random pixels. The same code works fine on a metro_m4 _express

All of the test cases (bouncing bali,simpletest and ssd1306_framebuftest have the same results so it is not just framebuf)
Note -- the default nrf builds still include the "built in" framebuf but I tried it with they built-in and the new -- same results.

I have not test other nrf52840 boards yet.

also note, there is no RESET pin for the OLED Featherwing.

It works fine with the SPI interface to a 128x32 SPI OLED -- just not working with I2C to the featherwing -- SPI does have a RESET so that may be the issue although the same board works fine on the metro_m4_express -- is there a way to get a RESET signal to the OLED featherwing? Looks like the SSD1306 reset on the OLED Featherwing is tied to board RESET -- I suppose some jumpering could be worked out if this seems like the issue.

Can you verify that it works after you press the reset button on the wing manually?

It does not. That also resets the argon.

I will try later with the boards separated.

separating the boards and pressing RESET or setting the RESET pin to a GPIO pin and passing it to the configuration makes no difference - still just a lot of white pixels.

I verified the same behavior on a PCA10056.

closing this in favor of the adafruit/circuitpython#1422