
"Incompatible .mpy file" error while using 8.x library version on CircuitPython 8.2.7

cgobat opened this issue · 8 comments

cgobat commented

Attempting to import adafruit_ssd1306 when using the .mpy file from adafruit-circuitpython-ssd1306-8.x-mpy-2.12.15 with CircuitPython 8.2.7 yields the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 21, in <module>
ValueError: Incompatible .mpy file. Please update all .mpy files. See for more info.

What board? Are you sure it is 8.2? 9.x will produce this error (use the .py file for now w/int.)

cgobat commented

Yep, I am sure it is 8.2 (at least, 8.2.7 is what it displays when I enter the REPL). The board is a Seeed Studio XIAO-RP2040.

Line 21 from adafruit_ssd1306 is attempting to import a Micropython library named framebuf.mpy. There is a Circuitpython frame buffer library called adafruit_framebuf.mpy which will be loaded if framebuf.mpy isn't found in either the root folder or the /lib/ folder. It would seem that you have a file called framebuf.mpy on your flash (either root or /lib/) that has an incompatible mpy format.

Which ever version of the framebuf library you attempt to use it must be compiled with a compatible 8.x mpy-cross. I'd recommend you don't have duplicate versions in either the root folder or the /lib/ folder and double check that the version of either framebuf.mpy or adafruit_framebuf.mpy is 8.x (you may actually have to cross compile the Micropython version manually if that's the one you intend to use, I really don't know what's involved in using the Micropython library in Circuitpython).

Actually, it looks to me like this will be solved by installing /lib/adafruit_famebuf.mpy and removing any copies of framebuf.mpy

I suspect the import of framebuf.mpy was intended to allow this library to be used in Micropython, not for the Micropython version of framebuf.mpy to be used in Circuitpython.

framebuf is a native C module in MicroPython (from extmod/modframebuf.c), so there won't be a .mpy file. @cgobat: do you have any file named framebuf.mpy on your CIRCUITPY? If so, where did it come from?

@cgobat I saw a reply from you in my email, but I think you deleted it. Did something change in what you said?

I installed the latest adafruit_ssd1306.mpy on a board running CircuitPython 8.2.7, and could not reproduce the original problem.

cgobat commented

Yeah, I replied but then I realized my setup has changed since I opened this issue so I need to do some digging and roll it back to figure out what all I had on my CIRCUITPY at the time.

I've been unable reproduce the setup that was causing this error. I will reopen if it crops up again.