
library is doing a terrible job parsing the data, it can't work stable at more of 1hz sampling rate even at a 10hz update rate of the gps, i am using an arduino mega and ide version 1.8.12

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the library is doing a bad job reading the serial buffer, it can't work at any other rate that is not in the example, i am using a arduino mega 2560 and compiler version 1.8.12

drak7 commented

Can you be more specific about what's happening? A few things can cause issues when you want to do fast updates.

In your sketch you're requesting the RMC and GGA sentences along with antenna info at 10Hz. The GPS serial is at 9600bps and that amount of data is about 160 bytes, so you're requesting 1600 bytes per second but can only send 1200. If you reduce the amount of data to just the RMC sentence (use PMTK_SET_NMEA_OUTPUT_RMCONLY) you'll get better results there. You can also increase the GPS serial speed, check the PMTK_SET_BAUD commands.

closing for lack of response