ImageRead for OLED and TFT
marcwolf1960 opened this issue · 4 comments
I have seen a lot of different modules - some cater only for OLED, others cater only for TFT.
I'm trying to help some people with a simple project so they can swap between TFT or OLED depending on cost.
If you could include an example for a SSD1351 that would be really great.
Target processor is the Huzzah-32 (ESP32)
should be basically the same as
do you want to try to make an eample and submit it as a PR :)
@makermelissa you can take a look at this too!
Hi.. I will be programming using Arduino code only.. Not Python.
I guess what I am trying to do is this
TFT_Lib Display;
OLED_Lib Display;
Display.Draw_BMP( .....)
So the calling code is the same however the libraries will change.
hiya no need, just clone of of the examples
replace it with the OLED display and submit it. its arduino only in this repo :)