
make: don't know how to make Adafruit_Sensor.o

rhinos opened this issue · 5 comments


I'm trying to play with samples scripts and meet troubles while compilation.
My env : OS: OpenBSD 6.1 with arduino package.
My Board is a Arduino MEGA 2560.
The sample script is the one available with Adafruit_FXAS21002C driver.
The make stop with this message :
make: don't know how to make Adafruit_Sensor.o (prerequisite of: applet/core.a)

I tried other libs like Servo without issues.

Note : I'm note using Arduino IDE (not available)

Thank's for your help


are you using Arduino IDE?


No, Arduino IDE is not available on my system.

you'll have to adjust your makefile, the Sensor interface is provided as a header file only, there is no associated C code :)


Thank's for your reply. But could you be more explicit ? I'am new to C/C++ world and Makefile (python programer). You mean that i have to had something like that in my Makefile ?

In my Makefile there is this.

# If your sketch uses any libraries, list them here, eg.
# LIBRARIES=EEPROM LiquidCrystal Wire
# If you want to use the Ethernet library, use:
# LIBRARIES=SPI Ethernet IPAddress Dhcp Dns EthernetClient EthernetServer \
#               EthernetUdp utility/w5100 utility/socket new
# To use the SD library:
# LIBRARIES=SD File utility/SdFile utility/SdVolume utility/Sd2Card
LIBRARIES=Wire Adafruit_FXAS21002C Adafuit_Sensor

# Below here nothing should be changed...

I try a lot of differents settings/syntax but steel the same.



I add -Ilibrairies/Adafruit_Sensor and it's solved the sensor error.
