
Add support for particles...

tyeth opened this issue · 5 comments

tyeth commented

There is a PM2.5 sensor as part of wippersnapper, and wippersnapper have listed the following relevant supported sensor types (although the _env variants seem unimplemented):

I plan to add the Sensirion SEN55, which has particle sensing at 0.5, 1, 2.5, 4, and 10 (micron?) in particles per cm3, and for all except <0.5um there are readings in ug/m3 (SI unit?), along with Temp(c)/Humidity(%RH), a Voc index and Nox index both without units. I assume the nox and voc are irrelevant as the device doesn't offer units but an "index".

The wippersnapper adding a sensor guide says to file an issue here for unsupported sensor types.

I guess I'm filing an issue to get support for count(#)/cm3 as that seems to be the preferred SI unit. I do commonly see a converted ug/m3 so anyone's input here would be good. I'd love support for the pm05 pm10 pm25 pm40 and pm100 too.

count(#)/cm3 works, is there a shorthand term (how the library would refer to this) for this measurement type?

I'm also game for supporting the PM sizes too

tyeth commented

count(#)/cm3 works, is there a shorthand term (how the library would refer to this) for this measurement type?

In the header file their calling it #/cm3

@tyeth Do we still need this measurement type?

tyeth commented