
Calling setPixelOff() causes errors

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Adding a call to setPixelOff() will prevent the code from running.

Here's a simple example:

Looks like a trivial fix - remove "this." :
(Sorry, i haven't learned to build and test packages for PXT, yet)

Frustratingly, although makecode - at least /beta - reports 3 errors in pixel.ts, it doesn't present what those errors are, as far as I can see.

Versions: crickit v0.0.31, makecode 1.2.16

Look under built/output.txt for reliable error info

error: pxt_modules/crickit/pixel.ts(47,9): error TS9208: 'this' used outside of a method
error: pxt_modules/crickit/pixel.ts(47,9): error TS9201: unsupported type: any 0x1
error: pxt_modules/crickit/pixel.ts(47,9): error TS9201: unsupported type: any 0x1

Fix pushed. Thanks!

Nice! (Tested ok). Thanks for the heads up about built/output.txt !