To generate the schemas for all the packages in this ws, run the following command. You may have to install [cargo workspaces(
cargo install cargo-workspaces
When it is installed, run the following to generate schemas for each:
cargo ws exec --no-bail cargo schema
To publish the schemas to the schema repo, run the following command:
SCHEMA_OUT_DIR=$(cd ../schemas && echo "$PWD") \
VERSION=0.4.0 \
cargo ws exec --no-bail bash -lc 'cargo schema && { outdir="$SCHEMA_OUT_DIR/abstract/${PWD##*/}/$VERSION"; echo $outdir; mkdir -p "$outdir"; cp -a "schema/." "$outdir"; }'
Read the CI document for more information.
We use rustfmt
and taplo
to format our code. To format the code, run the following command:
# format rust code
cargo fmt
# format toml files
find . -type f -iname "*.toml" -print0 | xargs -0 taplo format