GFM tables not supported
adam-p opened this issue · 4 comments
Due to a bug in our Markdown renderer -- markedjs/marked#50 -- we do not have support for GFM-style tables.
For example, this...
First Header | Second Header
------------ | -------------
Content Cell | Content Cell
Content Cell | Content Cell
...renders to this in Github...
First Header | Second Header |
Content Cell | Content Cell |
Content Cell | Content Cell |
...but not in Markdown here.
(This issue is forked from #9.)
It looks like this is fixed now
It is, and I've incorporated the new Marked features into the codebase -- it'll be in the next release.
If you want to play with it, you can grab the development
branch. If you want a sneak peak of the upcoming changes, check out the CHANGES file in that branch.
(Academically speaking... I'm not sure what to do about bugs that are fixed in a task branch but not yet released. Close them anyway? Set a milestone? Add a comment about the upcoming fix? I guess I should do that, at least.)
Woo, I'm so excited! :D
That's a great point, I've never put time to that :o
My projects have always closed issues when the fix is finally pushed to the development branch, but we don't have huge followings that might actually read these. If there's a convention on github, I'm not aware of it.
Added in Markdown Here v2.7.0. Enjoy.