
An infinite canvas for todo trees

Primary LanguageRust


An infinite canvas for todo trees

Todo Tree Example

Build a big picture for a project by laying out what needs to be done in what order.


Adding nodes

Left click the canvas to add a node. Type in some text and hit enter to commit it.

Add a new node

Alternatively, you can drag a new node off of a previous one by left click dragging from a connection spot to a new location.

Drag a new node

Right click a node to remove it.

Making Progress

Double click a node to progress it. There are three states:

  1. (Default) Waiting
  2. In Progress
  3. Done

Making Progress

Making Connections

You can add and remove links between nodes by dragging to and from link spots on the top and bottom of nodes.

Making connections


You can easily organize nodes by dragging them around. Holding shift while dragging will move all nodes connected to the one you are moving.



Highlight nodes by holding control and clicking them.



To run the app, you must build it using rust. The app should run on mac, linux and windows. Once you install rust (I recommend https://rustup.rs/), a simple cargo build --release will build a binary into target/release.