
Is this glyph being displayed too small?

trallnag opened this issue · 5 comments


Hello, first: Thanks for the project. I think it is a great idea to have many more decentralized but also automated projects turning fonts into nerd fonts instead of a single big one. And this shows how it can be done


I have noticed that basically all nerd font specific glyphs are being displayed very small compared to official unicode glyphs. It looks like all glyphs are occupying a single "width".


echo -e "\uf015HALLO\n🚀HALLO"

Is this expected? Is it the same for other users?


  • Windows 10
  • Windows Terminal
Finii commented

The rocket U+1f680 🚀is in some other font.

Delugia's range is limited to U+ffff and does not contain any codes beyond (which is a deliberate decision).

Delugia is usually a monospaced font, that means that all glyphs have the same width.

  • The house is scaled up until it is as wide as the capital H or L or whatever is the widest glyph we have.
  • The rocket is wider, in fact is is wider than the house and the H together, so more than two times as wide.

Lets have a look which versions we generate:

  • Delugia Powerline Basic powerline glyphs, monospaced font
  • Delugia Complete All Nerd Fonts glyphs, monospaced font
  • Delugia Book All Nerd Fonts glyphs, proportional font (not recommended for coding/console)

So propapbly you do not want the monospaced but the proportional font. With that font the icons are as big as they were in the sources, so probably bigger (wider) than a capital H. Did you try that font?

Edit: Just change emphasis in version list

Ah I am using Delugia Complete. I will try out Delugia Book, report back and close this issue. thanks already.

Basically "Complete" is the equivalent of "Mono" in Nerd Font fonts

Finii commented

Great. 👍

Also compare #53 for some information. We improved the handling after that issue a bit (PR pending at Nerd Fonts).

Edit: Use github parlance PR instead of MR ;-)

Just as wished 👍


Finii commented

That is the reason we decided to have different naming scheme than Nerd Fonts; to be free to handle stuff as we/our users see fit.

I close this, please reopen if you think something is still amiss.

Thanks for the report.