
Read and write data between devices with slideshow of QR codes

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Read and write data between devices with slideshow of QR codes.

  • make readable QR codes from input
  • let file input
  • read QR codes with camera

It is basically a copy of gre/qrloop but for UTF-8 and without package providers.

Browser extension

Browser extension adds button to context menu so that QR code is made from text selection and displayed in popup

  • make bundler switch between chrome and browser variables depending on target: Chrome or Firefox;
  • [] handle Chrome issue - text selection does not include new lines.

Bundle and make distribution package with browser extension:

deno run bundle.ts --zip


Install deno and optionally cache esbuild

While developing use:

deno run -A --watch=./src bundle.ts


    index: number, // index in order of all frames
    totat: number, // amount of frames
    data: string // chunk of data


{ index: 0, totat: 3, data: "Start..."}
{ index: 1, totat: 3, data: "...Middle..."}
{ index: 2, totat: 3, data: "...End"}