
Refreshing doesn't work

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hacker News for Chrome Version: 3.12 (latest)
Google Chrome Version: 25.0.1364.172 (latest)

A quick look in the inspector seems to indicate a problem fetching the RSS data from However, I seem to be able to fetch it just fine using curl, so I think the problem must be somewhere in the javascript. I set up a breakpoint in onRssError, and hit it, but didn't find any useful info.

Yeah, I've been struggling with this issue. HN changed their RSS feed to HTTPS-only, plus Chrome now has a stricter permissions system when it comes to extensions. I'm honestly not sure what's wrong and I haven't had a lot of time to look at it thoroughly just yet.

Having the same problem. Tried to delete local storage, nothing allocated. Not able to set options either. Don't know if that helps or confuses the issue. If I get some free time this weekend (bahahahahahaha) I will try to look at it a little bit more. Like the extension, annoying that it's been broke for a while.

+1, still broken in 2020