
Still having blocking delays using "CodeBlocks"

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I'm trying to use this library to make the microcontroller sweep trough the 4 serial inputs to control simultaniously the 4 stepper motors but I'm not sure I've implemented it right or even if it's the best libray for what I need.
This is the code that dosen't work because It only jumps to the next IF statement only when previous statement returns evem if I used the "CodeBlocks" way.


           A 4 axis system designed to control an industrial excavator arm by moving 4 hydraulic levers.

   CNC shield V3 and 4 screw stepper motors, controlled by XBOX360 USB joypad connected via USB host to ARDUINO MEGA ADK.

#include <XBOXUSB.h>
#include <ThreadHandler.h>
// Satisfy the IDE, which needs to see the include statment in the ino too.

#ifdef dobogusinclude

#define EN        8   // stepper motor enable , active low

//Direction pin
#define X_DIR     5   // X axis stepper motor direction control
#define Y_DIR     6   // y axis stepper motor direction control
#define Z_DIR     7   // z axis stepper motor direction control
#define A_DIR     13  // a axis stepper motor direction control

//Step pin
#define X_STP     2   // x axis stepper control
#define Y_STP     3   // y axis stepper control
#define Z_STP     4   // z axis stepper control
#define A_STP     12  // a axis stepper control

bool L2State ;           // current state of the L2 button
int lastL2State = 0;     // previous state of the L2 button

bool R2State ;           // current state of the R2 button
int lastR2State = 0;     // previous state of the R2 button

int RHY_P_Value ;            // current value of the RHY+ hat
int RHY_P_State ;           // current state of the RHY+ hat
int lastRHY_P_State = 0;    // previous state of the RHY+ hat

int RHY_N_Value ;            // current value of the RHY- hat
int RHY_N_State ;           // current state of the RHY- hat
int lastRHY_N_State = 0;    // previous state of the RHY- hat

int LHY_P_Value ;            // current value of the LHY+ hat
int LHY_P_State ;           // current state of the LHY+ hat
int lastLHY_P_State = 0;    // previous state of the LHY+ hat

int LHY_N_Value ;            // current value of the LHY- hat
int LHY_N_State ;           // current state of the LHY- hat
bool lastLHY_N_State = 0;    // previous state of the LHY- hat

int LHX_P_Value ;            // current value of the LHX+ hat
int LHX_P_State ;           // current state of the LHX+ hat
int lastLHX_P_State = 0;    // previous state of the LHX+ hat

int LHX_N_Value ;            // current value of the LHX- hat
int LHX_N_State ;           // current state of the LHX- hat
int lastLHX_N_State = 0;    // previous state of the LHX- hat

//Configures the interrupt timer ticks in us (1000 gives 1ms).
//This tick time will be the lowest time resolution for thread periods and offsets.
//Setting the value to 0 leaves the Interrupt timers defautl tick, this is usefull since
//this setting will not be in conflict with other libraries and analogWrite.

//This macro configures which timer should be used for generating
//the interrupts driving the ThreadHandler.
//The user can implement there own InterruptTimer by inhereting
//from the ThreadHandler::InterruptTimerInterface. This is usefull
//for adding support for new boards that this library does not support yet.
//Currently the library supports SAMD21 and all version supported by the
//TimerOne library. To see how to do this lock in the "platformSpecificClasses.h".

USB Usb;
XBOXUSB Xbox(&Usb);

  // CNC shield V3 Function : step . function: to control the direction of the stepper motor , the number of steps .
  //Parameters : dir direction control , dirPin corresponding stepper motor DIR pin ,
  //stepperPin corresponding stepper motor ” step ” pin , Step number of step of no return value.

void step (boolean dir, byte dirPin, byte stepperPin)
  digitalWrite (dirPin, dir);
  delayMicroseconds (455);
  digitalWrite (stepperPin, HIGH);
  delayMicroseconds (455);
  digitalWrite (stepperPin, LOW);
  delayMicroseconds (455);

void setup()

  // Pins setup
  pinMode(X_DIR, OUTPUT); pinMode(X_STP, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Y_DIR, OUTPUT); pinMode(Y_STP, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Z_DIR, OUTPUT); pinMode(Z_STP, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(A_DIR, OUTPUT); pinMode(A_STP, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(EN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(EN, HIGH);

#if !defined(__MIPSEL__)
  while (!Serial); // Wait for serial port to connect - used on Leonardo, Teensy and other boards with built-in USB CDC serial connection
  if (Usb.Init() == -1) {
    Serial.print(F("\r\nOSC did not start"));
    while (1); //halt
  Serial.print(F("\r\nXBOX USB Library Started"));

//This is the first thread class with its run function
//configured to run every 20s with an offset of 0s and priority 1.
//The scheduling scheme of the ThreadHandler library is as follows:
//    1) Highest priority first.
//    2) If the priority is the same then
//       the thread with the earliest dedline
//       is executed first.
//    3) If two threads have the same dedline then
//       the first created thread will execute first.
//    4) A thread can only be intrrupted by threads with
//       higher priority.
//    5) Once a thread is executing it will block execution
//       for all threads with lower priority untill the run
//       function returns.
//    6) The loop function has priority -128 compared to
//       ThreadHandler threads.

CodeBlocksThread* AXIS_Thread = createThreadWithCodeBlocks(1, 10, 0,

  // read the analog hat input
  LHX_P_Value = (Xbox.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX)); // read the analog hat input value from serial (range is -32000 to 32000)

  if (LHX_P_Value > 10000) {
    LHX_P_State = true;
  else  {
    LHX_P_State = false;

  // compare the buttonState to its previous state
  if (LHX_P_State != lastLHX_P_State) {

    // if the current state is TRUE then the button went from off to on:
    if (LHX_P_State == true)  {

      X_FWD(850); // set N of steps to move forward,  200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping X FWD");
    // on hat release go back to reset the original position
    else {

      X_BACK(850); // set N of steps to move backward,  200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping X BACK");
  lastLHX_P_State = LHX_P_State;

  // read the analog hat input
  LHX_N_Value = (Xbox.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX)); // read the analog hat input value from serial (range is -32000 to 32000)

  if (LHX_N_Value < -10000) {
    LHX_N_State = true;
  else  {
    LHX_N_State = false;

  // compare the buttonState to its previous state
  if (LHX_N_State != lastLHX_N_State) {

    // if the current state is TRUE then the button went from off to on:
    if (LHX_N_State == true)  {

      X_BACK(850); // set N of steps to move backward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping X BACK");
    // on hat release go back to reset the original position
    else {

      X_FWD(850); // set N of steps to move forward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping X FWD");
  lastLHX_N_State = LHX_N_State;



  // read the pushbutton input from serial
  L2State = (Xbox.getButtonPress(L2));

  // compare the buttonState to its previous state
  if (L2State != lastL2State) {

    // if the current state is TRUE then the button went from off to on:
    if (L2State  == true)  {

      A_FWD(950); // set N of steps to move forward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping A FWD");
    // on button release go back to reset the original position

    else  {

      A_BACK(950); // set N of steps to move backward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping A BACK");

  // save the current state as the last state, for next time through the loop
  lastL2State = L2State;

  // read the pushbutton input from serial
  R2State = (Xbox.getButtonPress(R2));

  // compare the buttonState to its previous state
  if (R2State != lastR2State) {

    // if the current state is TRUE then the button went from off to on:
    if (R2State == true)  {

      A_BACK(950); // set N of steps to move backward, 200 steps are is a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping A BACK");
    // on button release go back to reset the original position
    else  {

      A_FWD(950); // set N of steps to move forward, 200 steps are is a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping A FWD");

  // save the current state as the last state, for next time through the loop
  lastR2State = R2State;



  // read the analog hat input
  RHY_P_Value = (Xbox.getAnalogHat(RightHatY));

  if (RHY_P_Value > 10000) {
    RHY_P_State = true;
  else  {
    RHY_P_State = false;

  // compare the buttonState to its previous state
  if (RHY_P_State != lastRHY_P_State) {

    // if the current state is TRUE then the button went from off to on:
    if (RHY_P_State == true)  {

      Y_BACK(950); // set N of steps to move backward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping Y BACK");
    // on hat release go back to reset the original position
    else {

      Y_FWD(950); // set N of steps to move forward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping Y FWD");
  lastRHY_P_State = RHY_P_State;

  RHY_N_Value = (Xbox.getAnalogHat(RightHatY)); // read the analog hat input value from serial (range is -32000 to 32000)

  if (RHY_N_Value < -10000) {
    RHY_N_State = true;
  else  {
    RHY_N_State = false;

  // compare the buttonState to its previous state
  if (RHY_N_State != lastRHY_N_State) {

    // if the current state is TRUE then the button went from off to on:
    if (RHY_N_State == true)  {

      Y_FWD(950); // set N of steps to move forward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping Y FWD");
    // on hat release go back to reset the original position
    else {

      Y_BACK(950); // set N of steps to move backward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping Y BACK");
  lastRHY_N_State = RHY_N_State;



  // read the analog hat input
  LHY_P_Value = (Xbox.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY)); // read the analog hat input value from serial (range is -32000 to 32000)

  if (LHY_P_Value > 10000) {
    LHY_P_State = true;
  else  {
    LHY_P_State = false;

  // compare the buttonState to its previous state
  if (LHY_P_State != lastLHY_P_State) {

    // if the current state is TRUE then the button went from off to on:
    if (LHY_P_State == true)  {

      Z_FWD(750); // set N of steps to move forward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping Z FWD");
    // on hat release go back to reset the original position
    else {

      Z_BACK(750); // set N of steps to move backward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping Z BACK");
  lastLHY_P_State = LHY_P_State;

  // read the analog hat input
  LHY_N_Value = (Xbox.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY)); // read the analog hat input value from serial (range is -32000 to 32000)

  if (LHY_N_Value < -10000) {
    LHY_N_State = true;
  else  {
    LHY_N_State = false;

  // compare the buttonState to its previous state
  if (LHY_N_State != lastLHY_N_State) {

    // if the current state is TRUE then the button went from off to on:
    if (LHY_N_State == true)  {

      Z_BACK(1200); // set N of steps to move backward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping Z BACK");
    // on hat release go back to reset the original position
    else {

      Z_FWD(1200); // set N of steps to move forward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping Z FWD");
  lastLHY_N_State = LHY_N_State;


   //start executing threads

void A_FWD (int count)  // stepping A axis forward
  while ( count-- )
    step (true, A_DIR, A_STP); // A axis motor forward



void A_BACK (int count)  // stepping A axis backward
  while ( count-- )
    step (false, A_DIR, A_STP); // A axis motor reverse



void Y_FWD (int count)  // stepping Y axis forward
  while ( count-- )
    step (true, Y_DIR, Y_STP); // Y axis motor forward



void Y_BACK (int count)  // stepping Y axis backward
  while ( count-- )
    step (false, Y_DIR, Y_STP); // Y axis motor reverse



void X_FWD (int count)  // stepping X axis forward
  while ( count-- )
    step (true, X_DIR, X_STP); // X axis motor forward



void X_BACK (int count)  // stepping X axis backward
  while ( count-- )
    step (false, X_DIR, X_STP); // X axis motor reverse



void Z_FWD (int count)  // stepping Z axis forward
  while ( count-- )
    step (true, Z_DIR, Z_STP); // Z axis motor forward



void Z_BACK (int count)  // stepping Z axis backward
  while ( count-- )
    step (false, Z_DIR, Z_STP); // Z axis motor reverse



void loop() {

  if (Xbox.Xbox360Connected)

    // disable operation by clicking the XBOX main button
    if (Xbox.getButtonClick(XBOX)) {
      digitalWrite(EN, HIGH);
      Serial.println(F("Movement disabled"));

  // enable operation by clicking the START button
  if  (Xbox.getButtonClick(START)) {
    digitalWrite(EN, LOW);
    Serial.println(F("Movement enabled"));


The problem is that the step function uses delayMicroseconds which is a blocking delay. The CodeBlocksThread should be used to avoid theis delays if you want a non blocking behaviour. I would implement a class for handling the steppers, something like this:


           A 4 axis system designed to control an industrial excavator arm by moving 4 hydraulic levers.

   CNC shield V3 and 4 screw stepper motors, controlled by XBOX360 USB joypad connected via USB host to ARDUINO MEGA ADK.

#include <XBOXUSB.h>
#include <ThreadHandler.h>
// Satisfy the IDE, which needs to see the include statment in the ino too.

#ifdef dobogusinclude

#define EN        8   // stepper motor enable , active low

//Direction pin
#define X_DIR     5   // X axis stepper motor direction control
#define Y_DIR     6   // y axis stepper motor direction control
#define Z_DIR     7   // z axis stepper motor direction control
#define A_DIR     13  // a axis stepper motor direction control

//Step pin
#define X_STP     2   // x axis stepper control
#define Y_STP     3   // y axis stepper control
#define Z_STP     4   // z axis stepper control
#define A_STP     12  // a axis stepper control

bool L2State ;           // current state of the L2 button
int lastL2State = 0;     // previous state of the L2 button

bool R2State ;           // current state of the R2 button
int lastR2State = 0;     // previous state of the R2 button

int RHY_P_Value ;            // current value of the RHY+ hat
int RHY_P_State ;           // current state of the RHY+ hat
int lastRHY_P_State = 0;    // previous state of the RHY+ hat

int RHY_N_Value ;            // current value of the RHY- hat
int RHY_N_State ;           // current state of the RHY- hat
int lastRHY_N_State = 0;    // previous state of the RHY- hat

int LHY_P_Value ;            // current value of the LHY+ hat
int LHY_P_State ;           // current state of the LHY+ hat
int lastLHY_P_State = 0;    // previous state of the LHY+ hat

int LHY_N_Value ;            // current value of the LHY- hat
int LHY_N_State ;           // current state of the LHY- hat
bool lastLHY_N_State = 0;    // previous state of the LHY- hat

int LHX_P_Value ;            // current value of the LHX+ hat
int LHX_P_State ;           // current state of the LHX+ hat
int lastLHX_P_State = 0;    // previous state of the LHX+ hat

int LHX_N_Value ;            // current value of the LHX- hat
int LHX_N_State ;           // current state of the LHX- hat
int lastLHX_N_State = 0;    // previous state of the LHX- hat

//Configures the interrupt timer ticks in us (1000 gives 1ms).
//This tick time will be the lowest time resolution for thread periods and offsets.
//Setting the value to 0 leaves the Interrupt timers defautl tick, this is usefull since
//this setting will not be in conflict with other libraries and analogWrite.

//This macro configures which timer should be used for generating
//the interrupts driving the ThreadHandler.
//The user can implement there own InterruptTimer by inhereting
//from the ThreadHandler::InterruptTimerInterface. This is usefull
//for adding support for new boards that this library does not support yet.
//Currently the library supports SAMD21 and all version supported by the
//TimerOne library. To see how to do this lock in the "platformSpecificClasses.h".

USB Usb;
XBOXUSB Xbox(&Usb);

  // CNC shield V3 Function : step . function: to control the direction of the stepper motor , the number of steps .
  //Parameters : dir direction control , dirPin corresponding stepper motor DIR pin ,
  //stepperPin corresponding stepper motor ” step ” pin , Step number of step of no return value.

class StepperMotorHandler
  StepperMotorHandler(byte dirPin, byte stepperPin)
    this->dirPin = dirPin;
    this->stepperPin = stepperPin;

    pinMode(this->dirPin, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(this->stepperPin, OUTPUT);

    position = 0;
    targetPos = 0;
    moving = false;

    steppingThread = createThreadWithCodeBlocks(2, 455 * 3, 0, [&]()
          ThreadInterruptBlocker blocker;
          moving = position != targetPos;

          if (moving == false)
          bool dir = targetPos >= position;
          if (dir)
            position += 1;
            digitalWrite (this->dirPin, true);
            position -= 1;
            digitalWrite (this->dirPin, false);

          if (moving == false)
          digitalWrite (this->stepperPin, HIGH);

          if (moving == false)
          digitalWrite (this->stepperPin, LOW);

  void fwd(int count)
    ThreadInterruptBlocker blocker;
    targetPos += count;

  void back(int count)
    ThreadInterruptBlocker blocker;
    targetPos -= count;

  void setPosition(int pos)
    ThreadInterruptBlocker blocker;
    targetPos = pos;

  bool isMoving()
    return moving;

  int getPosition()
    ThreadInterruptBlocker blocker;
    return position;

  int position;
  int targetPos;
  bool moving;
  byte dirPin;
  byte stepperPin;
  CodeBlocksThread* steppingThread;

StepperMotorHandler* xAxis;
StepperMotorHandler* yAxis;
StepperMotorHandler* zAxis;
StepperMotorHandler* aAxis;

void setup()
  xAxis = new StepperMotorHandler(X_DIR, X_STP);
  yAxis = new StepperMotorHandler(Y_DIR, Y_STP);
  zAxis = new StepperMotorHandler(Z_DIR, Z_STP);
  aAxis = new StepperMotorHandler(A_DIR, A_STP);

  // Pins setup
  pinMode(EN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(EN, HIGH);

#if !defined(__MIPSEL__)
  while (!Serial); // Wait for serial port to connect - used on Leonardo, Teensy and other boards with built-in USB CDC serial connection
  if (Usb.Init() == -1) {
    Serial.print(F("\r\nOSC did not start"));
    while (1); //halt
  Serial.print(F("\r\nXBOX USB Library Started"));

   //start executing threads

void loop() {

  if (Xbox.Xbox360Connected)

    // disable operation by clicking the XBOX main button
    if (Xbox.getButtonClick(XBOX)) {
      digitalWrite(EN, HIGH);
      Serial.println(F("Movement disabled"));

  // enable operation by clicking the START button
  if  (Xbox.getButtonClick(START)) {
    digitalWrite(EN, LOW);
    Serial.println(F("Movement enabled"));

  // read the analog hat input
  LHX_P_Value = (Xbox.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX)); // read the analog hat input value from serial (range is -32000 to 32000)

  if (LHX_P_Value > 10000) {
    LHX_P_State = true;
  else  {
    LHX_P_State = false;

  // compare the buttonState to its previous state
  if (LHX_P_State != lastLHX_P_State) {

    // if the current state is TRUE then the button went from off to on:
    if (LHX_P_State == true)  {

      xAxis->fwd(850); // set N of steps to move forward,  200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping X FWD");
    // on hat release go back to reset the original position
    else {

      xAxis->back(850); // set N of steps to move backward,  200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping X BACK");
  lastLHX_P_State = LHX_P_State;

  // read the analog hat input
  LHX_N_Value = (Xbox.getAnalogHat(LeftHatX)); // read the analog hat input value from serial (range is -32000 to 32000)

  if (LHX_N_Value < -10000) {
    LHX_N_State = true;
  else  {
    LHX_N_State = false;

  // compare the buttonState to its previous state
  if (LHX_N_State != lastLHX_N_State) {

    // if the current state is TRUE then the button went from off to on:
    if (LHX_N_State == true)  {

      xAxis->back(850); // set N of steps to move backward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping X BACK");
    // on hat release go back to reset the original position
    else {

      xAxis->fwd(850); // set N of steps to move forward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping X FWD");
  lastLHX_N_State = LHX_N_State;

  // read the pushbutton input from serial
  L2State = (Xbox.getButtonPress(L2));

  // compare the buttonState to its previous state
  if (L2State != lastL2State) {

    // if the current state is TRUE then the button went from off to on:
    if (L2State  == true)  {

      aAxis->fwd(950); // set N of steps to move forward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping A FWD");
    // on button release go back to reset the original position

    else  {

      aAxis->back(950); // set N of steps to move backward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping A BACK");
  // save the current state as the last state, for next time through the loop
  lastL2State = L2State;

  // read the pushbutton input from serial
  R2State = (Xbox.getButtonPress(R2));

  // compare the buttonState to its previous state
  if (R2State != lastR2State) {

    // if the current state is TRUE then the button went from off to on:
    if (R2State == true)  {

      aAxis->back(950); // set N of steps to move backward, 200 steps are is a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping A BACK");
    // on button release go back to reset the original position
    else  {

      aAxis->fwd(950); // set N of steps to move forward, 200 steps are is a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping A FWD");
  // save the current state as the last state, for next time through the loop
  lastR2State = R2State;

  // read the analog hat input
  RHY_P_Value = (Xbox.getAnalogHat(RightHatY));

  if (RHY_P_Value > 10000) {
    RHY_P_State = true;
  else  {
    RHY_P_State = false;

  // compare the buttonState to its previous state
  if (RHY_P_State != lastRHY_P_State) {

    // if the current state is TRUE then the button went from off to on:
    if (RHY_P_State == true)  {

      yAxis->back(950); // set N of steps to move backward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping Y BACK");
    // on hat release go back to reset the original position
    else {

      yAxis->fwd(950); // set N of steps to move forward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping Y FWD");
  lastRHY_P_State = RHY_P_State;

  RHY_N_Value = (Xbox.getAnalogHat(RightHatY)); // read the analog hat input value from serial (range is -32000 to 32000)

  if (RHY_N_Value < -10000) {
    RHY_N_State = true;
  else  {
    RHY_N_State = false;

  // compare the buttonState to its previous state
  if (RHY_N_State != lastRHY_N_State) {

    // if the current state is TRUE then the button went from off to on:
    if (RHY_N_State == true)  {

      yAxis->fwd(950); // set N of steps to move forward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping Y FWD");
    // on hat release go back to reset the original position
    else {

      yAxis->back(950); // set N of steps to move backward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping Y BACK");
  lastRHY_N_State = RHY_N_State;

  // read the analog hat input
  LHY_P_Value = (Xbox.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY)); // read the analog hat input value from serial (range is -32000 to 32000)

  if (LHY_P_Value > 10000) {
    LHY_P_State = true;
  else  {
    LHY_P_State = false;

  // compare the buttonState to its previous state
  if (LHY_P_State != lastLHY_P_State) {

    // if the current state is TRUE then the button went from off to on:
    if (LHY_P_State == true)  {

      zAxis->fwd(750); // set N of steps to move forward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping Z FWD");
    // on hat release go back to reset the original position
    else {

      zAxis->back(750); // set N of steps to move backward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping Z BACK");
  lastLHY_P_State = LHY_P_State;

  // read the analog hat input
  LHY_N_Value = (Xbox.getAnalogHat(LeftHatY)); // read the analog hat input value from serial (range is -32000 to 32000)

  if (LHY_N_Value < -10000) {
    LHY_N_State = true;
  else  {
    LHY_N_State = false;

  // compare the buttonState to its previous state
  if (LHY_N_State != lastLHY_N_State) {

    // if the current state is TRUE then the button went from off to on:
    if (LHY_N_State == true)  {

      zAxis->back(1200); // set N of steps to move backward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping Z BACK");
    // on hat release go back to reset the original position
    else {

      zAxis->fwd(1200); // set N of steps to move forward, 200 steps are a shaft turn.
      Serial.print("\r\nStepping Z FWD");
  lastLHY_N_State = LHY_N_State;

@adamb314 Man you are the best beacuse you just made it work first hand without having the project in front of you!
If you ever come to central Italy write me up, you have a free dinner wherever you want!
