
Mouseover position for results isn't accurate in (at least) Firefox

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Just tried out the example poll, and noticed the results have a mouseover capability.

For Firefox 31 on Fedora, the positioning for the mouse cursor to get the desired popup isn't correct. Some of the segments don't show at all when moused over, some show the result text only when in other location
(not hovering above the segment).

I would do screenshots to illustrate the problem, but Fedora doesn't want to include the mouse cursor in them. Duh. 😦

@justinclift Thanks for reporting but this is a duplicate of #1 and has been dealt with in development.

Ahhh yeah, so it is. I didn't read the details of the issue, as the title for it didn't sound the same. Oh well. 😉