Avatar Copyright
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Cool bit of code.
I'm curious about the avatar images. Where did you get them? Who owns the copyright? How are they licensed (if at all)?
This is a pretty valid point actually. While we have a licence to use these avatars in our projects, we are not in a position to extend this to others. I shall need to make some changes to the library to handle this case and allow people to provide their own avatar library. Thanks for brining this to my attention though.
I think the avatars add a lot of value to what you're doing. My suggestion would be to provide people with the basic details of how to license either these or an alternate set of images. I think that would be more productive than simply wiping out the feature.
As an alternative/addition, I did find a project called User Inter Faces (http://uifaces.com) that provides free avatars for both mock-up and commercial use.