
Better management of common parameter (Use command line argument when possible)

Closed this issue · 1 comments

This apply for #134 (Size / Position) but also for pre-existing commands such as Start Minimized / Maximized / Start URL, etc...

Currently, we use $Driver.Manage to do these things.
However, I think this could be improved by using command line arguments behind the scene (when supported)

This will change the current behavior from supported command from :

  1. Browser open
  2. Something happen (Start URL is set, position is set, size is set, state is set)

to :

  1. Browser open with the correct URL, position, size and state

Browser that have command line argument to support the enhanced behavior will be modifed.
Remaining browsers will continue to use the Selenium "manage" way.

Looks like it is mostly already the case. I'll keep that task open for the next day while I take some time to review.