
ProfilePath in Chrome

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I can't use ProfilePath in Chrome

Start-SeDriver -Browser Chrome -WebDriverPath $chromedriver -ProfilePath $Profile_Path

Error message
Action to take for this exception:
A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'ProfilePath'.

This was commented out, so I fixed it and -ProfilePath is now available.
Start-SeChromeDriver.ps1 line22
# [System.IO.FileInfo]$ProfilePath,

Windows 10 64bit
PowerShell 7.2.0
Selenium PowerShell Module V4.0.0 preview3

I'm always grateful for this project!
Thank you very much!

Translated with (free version)

I submitted a fix for this in #224
Either build yourself or wait for @adamdriscoll to accept the pull request :-)