
ChromeDriver Changed the Update Mechanism starting at Chrome 115

smaglio81 opened this issue · 1 comments

The Selenium-Binary-Updater.ps1's Chrome update pulls it's latest version number from:

But, it looks like ChromeDriver has decided to change the way it handles updates. It looks like it's handing off responsibilities to Chrome for Testing (CfT) Json Endpoints.

As best as I can tell, ChromeDriver's last LATEST_VERSION is going to be 114.0.5735.90.

For version 115+, guidance is now going to come from Chrome for Testing (project blog/background).

It looks like CfT has a page which shows the latest "stable" version:

Unfortunately, it's not an API endpoint. And, the latest stable release currently listed (116.0.5845.96) doesn't match with the latest version number in the known-good-versions-with-downloads.json endpoint (118.0.5976.0).

I don't know how I'm going to deal with this. But, I wanted to give you a heads up so you could be aware.

I took the easy road, and just rebuilt the download functionality using the CfT JSON endpoints. But, it also looks like Selenium has a "Selenium Manager" which can download from these endpoints. The article also mentions a browser version that can be passed in when starting Selenium.

Since I don't have an extensive knowledge of selenium testing or the selenium-powershell project, I didn't really follow everything. Hopefully, you'll be able to make sense of it and figure out what would need to be updated to work with the latest version.

(As a sidenote of added complexity. Our build environment doesn't allow outside connections, so we download the latest binaries using Selenium-Binary-Updater.ps1, package them into a deployment package and push them onto the server. I imagine that might complicate things if the CfT browser also needed to be downloaded and made available to selenium at run time.)

@adamdriscoll We are using this module as part of our automated testing framework and have encountered the same issue. I'd like to contribute toward a solution.