Hough Lines Transform / Thread counting on a picture ?
MayoudP opened this issue · 4 comments
By any chance, is it possible to use this library in order to achieve Hough Lines counting ?
Count the number of lines on a picture. The picture is basically a painting board.
Sorry, it's more a question than a bug 😬
Thanks for the help anyway.
Hi @MayoudP yes please take a look at the sample app HoughCircles2 in react-native-opencv3-tests in the code where it draws the circles you want to replace that with counting the hough lines and switch out the call to houghCircles to the houghLines I am not sure of the exact method names.
Thank you very much for your answer, I'll have a look this week-end.
Do you know where can I check all the existing method and their specs ?
Hi @MayoudP not all of the OpenCV methods are supported just a good chunk of Imgproc and Core methods I am pretty sure HoughLines is supported you will have to check out opencv.org to find the java documentation for the 3.4.4 android release of OpenCV. It invokes the method at run-time so as long as the method exists in Imgproc or Core and the parameters are of the correct types it will just call the method.