
Local state inside effect / hooks

AStaroverov opened this issue · 2 comments

I have a question. It's a bad idea for S to create something like a local state for effects (hooks?)?
For example

const $source = S.value(0);
const $target = S.value(0);

$.effect(() => {
  const $throttler = S.localValue(0); 
  const throttler = S.sample($throttler);
  const source = $source();

  $throttler(throttler + 1);
  if (throttler % 3 === 0) {

$source($source() + 1)
$source($source() + 1)
$source($source() + 1)

Yeah it is, just use let

You're free to create signals inside effects (or effects inside effects) and this can sometimes be useful. In this particular example though, like @yamiteru said, you can use a regular variable instead of a signal.