
Having issues with the Code; what is distance_x, distance_xy and distance_y in the json?

JYLCode opened this issue · 1 comments

having some issues creating the Json from a wigle csv file so just trying to do it manually.
For the Json, what is distance_x, distance_xy and distance_y? I thought it was the distance from the origin but the math doesn't seem to add up below.

Im assuming this is the origin
"meta": {
"comment": "Facebook HQ central",
"filepath": "data/networks/fb_central.json",
"lat": 37.484543200000005,
"lon": -122.1493071,
"radius": 1,
"run": 1,
"since": 20170101,
"type": "wigle"

The distances don't see to add up to the next point
"networks": [
"bssid": "18:64:72:60:36:40",
"channel": 6,
"distance_x": 20.931078262084856,
"distance_xy": 59.24412477905649,
"distance_y": 55.423453515689204,
"lat": 37.48504257,
"lon": -122.14954376,
"qos": 0,
"rssi": -55,
"ssid": "lighthouse"

Nm figured it out, its degrees to meters and the earth is curved.