
Keep kickstart.js in repo for use in bower

Closed this issue · 1 comments

If you take out kickstart.js and kickstart.min.js from your gitignore so that next time you build them they will be in the repo then they can be available for bower users.

The jquery bower package is set up this's pretty standard. They put their two files in a /dist directory but anywhere you prefer is fine, maybe under /core/js.

If you do that I will update bower.json so they are then available to bower users.

FYI, with this I can for example use wiredep to link automagically your library into my html templates and even switch over the min version (or cdn) on production.

Is there a gulp task that generates these? kickstart.js and kickstart.min.js. (didn't see anything obvious). If

I can easily delete files in gitirnore and generate new ones and make a PR for this.