
Too much logging on FINE level.

fengzee opened this issue · 0 comments

I noticed this library outputs too much logs with package:logging on FINE level with loggers named "BufferedSocket" and "MySqlConnection". Most log content is about bytes transfered through TCP connection with database.

I would suggest to put these logs to a lower level (eg. FINEST) and make sure not to construct the string when logging of that level is off, as they are really about byte-level details. It would make logging management easier for application developers.

Currently I'm turning off these logs with:

  void _adjustDatabaseLogLevel() {
    // Logs from these loggers are flooding the log buffer.
    // Turn off Level.FINE and below.
    final dbLoggers = [
    for (var dbLogger in dbLoggers) {
      Logger(dbLogger).level = Level.CONFIG;