
Problem with $$ being replaced with $

CycoPH opened this issue · 2 comments

There is a problem where the data coming from the context is not put into the template correctly.


{"pwd": "abc$$def"}

This will result in the password being abc$def and NOT abc$$def.

Found the same issue in a different context. We're running some JS through UglifyJS and then injecting that into an HTML template using Markup.js as part of a build process. Uglify replaces some variables with $ and, under the right circumstances, this breaks the replacement on L320 of markup.js.

Our specific example is the variable replaced by $ is used in a condition followed by &&. The resulting string, $&&, is interpreted by replace to insert the matched substring so our template token is inserted in that location.

Found that replacing all $ with $$ in the source value resolves the issue.

template = template.replace(tag, result === undefined ? "???" : result.replace(/\$/g, '$$$$'));

Simple repro:

is there any solution / workaround for this, except replacing the value of input set?