
README error?: port and url

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In the README, you give the following example to run tests via travis/saucelabs connect:

user <- Sys.getenv("SAUCE_USERNAME") # Your Sauce Labs username
pass <- Sys.getenv("SAUCE_SECRET_KEY") # Your Sauce Labs access key 
port <- 4445
ip <- paste0(user, ':', pass, "@localhost")

In my hands, SauceLabs connect only works through ports 443 or 80, and you still connect to the ondemand.saucelabs IP, like this:

user <- Sys.getenv("SAUCE_USERNAME")
pass <- Sys.getenv("SAUCE_SECRET_KEY")
port <- 80
ip <- paste0(user, ":", pass, "")

The only reason to connect to localhost directly, from my point of view, is if you're running Selenium Server locally (e.g. through their docker container).

Am I missing something, or should I pull request to fix that error?