
Feature Request: add full full duplex mode, so both(all) people can talk at the same time without the audio getting squashed on one or all participants

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Currently, GLAZE does now allow both people to talk at the same time, without one or both of the audio streams getting "squashed" down to almost zero or the GLAZE volume pulses up and down until one person stops talking...this is very similar to how SKYPE operates...and it is not ideal for best practices for conversational flow...the typical way we are used to communicating as we talk over each other to provide feedback, comments or emphasis, or need to interrupt the person talking with an urgent message.

How do you suggest fixing this? @chaseology

do you think it could be Glaze's echo cancellation causing this interference and obstruction of perfect full full duplex audio, when 2 people speak at the same time on Glaze ? is there a way to turn "OFF" echo cancellation on Glaze ?

I don't think there is echo cancellation, because if you open up two instances of glaze and talk, you can still hear the echo coming from both.