
Concerns about security with credentials visible on the front end

Closed this issue · 3 comments

There is something I don't quite understand, since next.js executes code from both the backend and the frontend, it requires part of the code to be executed from the frontend.

I wonder if the credentials of the GraphQL API endpoint would be accessible from the frontend through the window.__NEXT_DATA__ global variable.

And if it is, how would you recommend to securely authenticate to a graphql server? I'm thinking of using a proxy so that the credentials are server-side.

This may not be a concern for a graphql endpoint that is public, but is definitely a concern as soon as there is authentication, and can be easily overlooked.

@adamsoffer I've recorded a video that showcases the security issue I was talking about. I believe a warning should be issued in the README page and examples so that newcomers don't fall into that trap.

@Vadorequest Thanks so much for opening this issue and raising this concern. I imagine there's a recommended way to secure a GraphQL API endpoint with Next. If you find out could you let me know? I'll make sure to add that to that use case to the README. Thanks again.
