
Server side graphql requests are stacking up

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey @adamsoffer I’ve been using this HOC for the past one year (when it was version 2.0.x).

Recently I decided to upgrade it to version 5 and bumped the next.js version also to latest.

But when I deployed this, all my backend servers started crashing due to heavy load. On further investigation and putting some Graphql logs, I found that the requests were stacking up on server side requests.

For example, let’s say I request 1 product for the first time, it'll get that data.

2nd time when I request for another product on server side, it'll get that data + the data for previous one.

When this is repeated for 100 products imagine the number of requests made! 🤯

Any idea as to why this is happening? I’m assuming the client is actually being shared on the server.

woah that's odd! I'll try and reproduce on my end.