The Super Finite State Machine Entertainment System

a Finite State Machine (FSM) based game engine and server/client.


A rogue-ish, multiplayer RPG game for SFSMES.ts

SFSMES.ts is an experimental Typescript rogue-ish game engine and multiplayer server/client. It's hallmark is the use of Finite State Machine (FSMs), which it employs in many ways.

  1. SFSMES.ts - The Game Engine. A FSM which handles the loading of games acts as a multiplayer server

  2. RogueState.js - A hypothetical game implemented with xstate.js FSMs, plus the appropriate "hooks". When loaded into SFSMES.js, it produces a rogue-like multiplayer turn-based game.

  3. RogueState/levels/first.json - a hypothetical level/dungeon/content for the unititledRogueClone game

  4. Actors - Players are also represented as FSMs 4.a) Director - the DM. The Actor FSM 4.b) Players - each Player is an Actor FSM

  5. Run-time moves - at it's most abstract, RogueState.ts allows users to submit moves, at run-time, which are themselves FSMs, effectivelly allowing players to create their own the state machines on the fly.


  • 'xstate.js' - finite state machine
  • 'rot.js' - utlities
  • 'react.js' - view
  • 'json-schema' - data validation, form generation


  • every game has 1 Director, an Actor, and many Players, (multiple Actors).
  • all Actors can chat with each other in the "log" page


This is all experimental. Once I work out the basics, project will be split in server/clients but for now, just do it all on 1 page.