
Closing an open stream

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Hi Adam,

is there any way to close a stream when connected to it? The application I'm using your library in makes use of Stuart Sierras Components and Reloaded libs which, for hot reloads in the dev env, means I need to be able to close an existing stream.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Hi Gary

How are you using the lib? (i.e. what callback and sync model are you using for callbacks?)


Hi Adam,

thank you for the quick response!

I'm using the AsyncStreamingCallback.


I've just spotted the following (line 93 in core.clj)
client (or (:client arg-map) (default-client))

Is this an extensibility point for providing my own client into "def-twitter-method"? That way I can hold onto the client and call it's close fn on clean up?

Hi Gary

I think you'll need to check out neotyk/http.async.client as it provides the stream transport (if you have a look at the response handling stuff in the 'get-response-transform', the async callbacks simply use an 'identity' response (i.e. leave it untouched from the underlying stream transport library, accessed in the 'req/execute-request' call).

A cursory glance at the async client library seems to indicate that you could use cancel to close the stream?

Hope that helps

I'll do that!
thanks for your help Adam,