
Always displaying “generating pages” message

remino opened this issue · 3 comments

When starting rackup, without any options, the Rack application starts and listens on port 9292, but only displays the following message when any HTTP request is sent from the browser:

This site is currently generating pages. Please reload this page after 10 secs.
require "rack/jekyll"
# _config.yml
source: ./source
destination: ./public
plugins: ./plugins
markdown: maruku
paginate: 10

For me, adding a web server to the Gemfile solved this, e.g.

gem 'thin'

@remino Did you ever figure this out? I'm having the same issue on Heroku

@jmccartie I switched to Middleman a while ago, but I use it to build static pages hosted by an old-school Apache server.