
dealing with .html extensions

jeffreycwitt opened this issue · 3 comments

I create a jekyll post with the following header with a permalink that is not followed by .html

layout: post
title:  Creating IIIF Manifests
date:   2015-06-01
permalink: /creating-iiif-manifests


the result of this is a file in the directory _site called:

file: creating-iiif-manifests.html

On my local machine, when running bundle exec jekyll build

the permalink resolves as follows:

url: localhost/creating-iiif-manifests (without the .html extension)

However when I try to run this on heroku using the rack-jekyll gem,

the permalink does not resolve.

the .html must be added

I'm wondering if there is a setting in the rack-jekyll gem that can be changed so that the link /creating-iiif-manifests will still resolve without the the .html extension.

I am having a similar issue here.

In my page YFM:

permalink: somepage.html

When running the site locally with jekyll serve I can access /somepage as well as /somepage.html, but when running my site on heroku (which is equivalent to running rackup locally), the pretty version of the permalink does not work.

Here is my file :

# This file is auto-generated by Jekyll Auth
# It tells Heroku how to launch our site

require 'rack/jekyll'

You might try the lanyon gem (, which is an (almost) drop-in replacement for rack-jekyll (it does not provide auto-regeneration, though).

require "lanyon"
run Lanyon.application

Thanks @stomar . I also had the same issue and switching to lanyon fixed it for me.