
Pre-processing of the image

PrabhakarTayenjam opened this issue · 2 comments

The tesseract-ocr does various image processing operations internally before doing the actual OCR.
Does this tesseract4android provide the same feature or the user has to take care of it??

BTW is there any discussion forum for tesseract4android??

This library is just a java wrapper around the tesseract-ocr library, so what tesseract-ocr does internally is here as well. But for real use-cases you still need to do some manual pre-processing as they say on the wiki.

There is no discussion for Tesseract4Android, but as this library is just reworked tess-two library (with same API) to support tesseract-ocr version 4.x, I recommend you reading the tess-two repository, examples and discussion (they have stack overflow tag too). Also on tess-two is based open source scanning app TextFairy, where you can see real usage and pre-processing that they do.

tess-two -
textfairy -

Thanks for the information