
The Adapter-Hub website

Primary LanguageHTML

The Adapter-Hub Website

This repository builds our website, adapterhub.ml. It's powered by Flask, Frozen-Flask, Bootstrap and GitHub Pages.

All content of the exploration pages is pulled from the Hub repo. All content contributions should be made there.

Build 🛠

  1. Make sure you use python 3.9 or older.

  2. Clone this repository and update data from Hub:

git clone https://github.com/adapter-hub/website
git submodule init
git submodule update --remote

(The second and third command pull the latest data from the Hub repo.)

  1. Install required Python libraries:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Install Bootstrap and required npm modules:
cd app/static && npm install

(Note: Building the website styles additionally requires sass installed.)

  1. Run 🚀
flask db init
flask run
  1. Freeze ❄️ (optional). Freezing generates static pages that can be deployed to GitHub Pages.
flask freeze build