
Why do we see different "users" in the "status" log?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

For some reason, we get different "users" in the "status" Log.


It has been reported by 2 users; need to see if we can replicate this.

I have been trying to replicate this, but can't get it to show usernames; no matter what I do.
I looked at the database and found that the data is stored in a table named "LightingLog".
That table has a "User" column; but for my tests, never shows a value in that column.

It's another Domoticz-thingie; no clue why a subtype "sTypeTextStatus" ends up in a "LightingLog" table.
Also interesting to see that there is no hardware type that looks anything like that table name.

It feels like a cosmetic issue; but it's ugly....
We need more information or some debugging from users that run into this.
The users must have setup another device that is using that table as well.
Will go back to the users in the Domoticz forum and will put this one on hold till we get additional information.

After looking at the "LightingLog" table of the user that reported the issue, we found that the "User" column gets populated with values. Those values are not generated by the plugin; there is not even an option in the Python Update function to do so.

Looking at the values, it looks like the "User" is copied from the last record in the table.
This would explain why there are different values; there were other scripts/plugins running that use the table as well.

For now, I will close the topic. Looks like a bug in Domoticz.