
Add functionality to support retake requests

Opened this issue · 3 comments

When clinicians submit a retake request in OpenMRS, it's currently communicated via SMS and email. We would like to have this routed through the MDS and show up in the Android client.

Hey @zhalloran is this still the case? After speaking with Albert and checking the code it seems like it is. Either way Albert and I talked about payload size/design that would be routed directly from OpenMRS to client via MDS. Looking forward to fixing this issue!

It is still the case. I would suggest looking at the updates to the MDS at I'm pretty sure they haven't made the changes we're proposing, but it might be worth switching to their branch in dev and refactoring/adding new features from that fork? We can talk about it.

Ok. I did take a look at their codebase yesterday and I realized that our lack of best practices makes sense given we are based on them! :P
But I didn't see anything regarding handling these notifications. Perhaps it was in their changes they have yet to merge - no dev branch to be seen and only 1 unrelated PR so maybe it'd be useful to chat with Eric et al.

That said - Django has some pretty awesome notification built-ins that we could leverage - either by configuring OpenMRS to push notifications to MDS or having the MDS periodically poll OpenMRS (or when a nurse does a lookup for a patient, etc).

Yeah let's talk about what moving to their codebase would look like. There's a lot of good stuff in there but also some bloat that we might not need.