
Addok plugin for handling CSV files

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Addok plugin add CSV geocoding endpoints


pip install addok-csv


Warning: this plugin will not work when running addok serve, you need either gunicorn or uWSGI (see falcon-multipart issue).

This plugin adds the following endpoints:


Batch geocode a csv file.


  • data: the CSV file to be processed
  • columns (multiple): the columns, ordered, to be used for geocoding; if no column is given, all columns will be used
  • encoding (optional): encoding of the file (you can also specify a charset in the file mimetype), such as 'utf-8' or 'iso-8859-1' (default to 'utf-8-sig')
  • delimiter (optional): CSV delimiter (, or ;); if not given, we try to guess
  • with_bom: if true, and if the encoding if utf-8, the returned CSV will contain a BOM (for Excel users…)
  • lat and lon parameters (optionals), like filters, can be used to define columns names that contain latitude and longitude values, for adding a preference center in the geocoding of each row


http -f POST http://localhost:7878/search/csv/ columns='voie' columns='ville' data@path/to/file.csv
http -f POST http://localhost:7878/search/csv/ columns='rue' postcode='code postal' data@path/to/file.csv


Batch reverse geocode a csv file.


  • data: the CSV file to be processed; must contain columns latitude (or lat) and longitude (or lon or lng)
  • encoding (optional): encoding of the file (you can also specify a charset in the file mimetype), such as 'utf-8' or 'iso-8859-1' (default to 'utf-8-sig')
  • delimiter (optional): CSV delimiter (, or ;); if not given, we try to guess

Any filter can be passed as key=value querystring, where key is the filter name and value is the column name containing the filter value for each row. For example, if there is a column "code_insee" and we want to use it for "citycode" filtering, we would pass citycode=code_insee as query string parameter.


  • CSV_ENCODING: default encoding to open CSV files (default: 'utf-8-sig')
  • CSV_EXTRA_FIELDS: list of field names to be added to the results rows (default: names of the registered FIELDS)