
Basic social media site created for CSE3330 @ UTA

Primary LanguageKotlin

Social Media Site


This is a semester-long project for the CSE 3330, Database and File Systems, class at UTA. The goal of this project is to create a simple social media site from a set of requirements, letting us learn how to setup and interact with databases.

As usual, this is not meant to be used for anything serious.


  • Gradle is the build system
  • PostgreSQL is the backing RDBMS
  • Spring MVC is the web server running the site
  • Pebble Templates is a templating engine used for the pages


  1. Install PostgreSQL 10.5 on your machine.
    • See here for general instructions
    • Ubuntu: $ sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
  2. Create a new PostgreSQL database called "SocialMedia"
    1. Log into the postgres user $ sudo -i -u postgres
    2. Create the database $ createdb SocialMedia
    3. Log into the database $ psql SocialMedia
    4. You can exit the SocialMedia=# prompt at any time with EOF (i.e. ^D/ctrl+d on unix systems)
  3. Create the application user
    1. Log into the postgres account $ sudo -i -u postgres
    2. Create the user "application" $ createuser createuser application --pwprompt
    3. When prompted for the password, enter "password1" for extra security
  4. Run src/main/resources/db/up.sql on the SocialMedia db
    1. $ psql SocialMedia -f "$pathToThisProject/src/main/resources/db/up.sql"
    2. This will create the db schema and add starting data to the db
    3. This can be undone with the corresponding down.sql file
  5. Import the Gradle project with IntelliJ
  6. Add a new run configuration for running the application
    1. Create a new gradle configuration
    2. Name is something like "bootRun"
    3. Select the current project directory as the gradle project
    4. Type "bootRun" as the gradle task
    5. Save It
    6. Run it and go to localhost:8080 in the web browser to see the application