
Calling PropTypes validation directly is a deprecated feature in React 15

Opened this issue · 5 comments

ActionCreator.validatePayload calls PropTypes directly which is now a deprecated feature:

The alternative is:

a) remove this feature from FluxThis
b) use one of the third party libraries that duplicates PropTypes logic suggested in the Facbeook post above

Actually just read into the code and noticed it's already deprecated:

deprecated( description.payloadType, 'ActionCreator.Action.payloadType', 'ActionCreator.Action.payload' );

Should we remove PropTypes before React 16 is released?

Feel free to submit a PR @selzaharna

We should not remove validation but rather move to another library.

Note that the new prop-types package does support validation of PropTypes via the checkPropTypes method (see I'll try to create a PR which uses this instead

Seems this has already been resolved 👍