
Charge Reference

Closed this issue · 2 comments

var chargeRequest = new CardChargeRequest
                        Amount = (decimal.Parse(card.amount) * 100).ToString(),
                        Email =,
                        Card = new Card
                            Cvv = card.cvv,
                            ExpiryMonth = card.expirymonth,
                            ExpiryYear = card.expiryyear,
                            Number = card.cardno
                        Pin = input.PIN,
                        MetadataObject = chargeCustomData,
                        //CustomFields = customFields

How does one pass reference for the transaction -

Hello @teghoz,

That's surely an omission. The library is currently assuming paystack will auto-generate a reference (as it usually does, if not supplied).

We should be allowed to specify a reference (in situation where we want such to be tracked outside paystack, or something).

Thanks for reporting this.

Would be fixed in a moment (and nuget will be updated, too).


ADEBISI Foluso A. (.Net)

Fixed in v0.7.4.