
Librewolf closes after 1 or 2 min approx on win7x64

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I saw your discussion here:
you had the same problem with Librewolf that it closes after 90s.
How did you resolved the problem?

I guess that problem is in the line 535 in firefox.js, inside omni.ja package.
Thanks to @K4sum1, fixed line is: pref("browser.taskbar.lists.legacyBackend", true);
You could try on the latest version:

Thanks Adeii for your answer.
I saw that he said that it is not possible to edit that line in about:config since it will close firefox anyway.
So would you mind to give a little bit more information regarding changing that pref - where I can find it, what file I need to edit.
You said it is 535 line in firefox.js inside omni.ja package - how I can edit omni.ja file?
That omni.js is a big file I suposed I can't just use r3dfox omni.js file? I tried but librewolf still closing.
Then there is a 2 omni.js file one in root folder and another in browser folder.
Also I need to replace 3 files from r3dfox:

Resolved the problem.
In my case line was 524.

omni.ja is ZIP archive, inside browser folder. Just that one line need to be changed, but need for r3dfox's omni.ja.
And those 3 DLL files.