
[Bug Report] Print Format is inactive

EdwinBetanc0urt opened this issue · 0 comments

Bug report

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open the Open Balances report (note that it has print formats and is active),
  2. Open the Ivoice Tax report which has no print formats and is inactive.
  3. Return to the Open Balances report, now the print formats are inactive.

Screenshot or Gif(截图或动态图)


Expected behavior

If a report with print formats is loaded, it is enabled, however when loading another report that does not have print formats and reopening the report that does have a list of print formats, it is disabled when it should be active and display the available print formats.

Other relevant information

  • Your OS: Linux Mint 20.2 x64.
  • Web Browser: Mozilla Firefox 92.0.1
  • Node.js version: 14.18.0.
  • Yarn version: 1.22.15.
  • adempiere-vue version: 4.4.0.