
Wifi not working

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Hi there,

I've followed the steps in the readme and double checked the wifi settings that I entered into the sketch but after I've finished setting everything up and get to the stage for testing, nothing happens.

The LED does not blink like crazy, I can't ping the device from a local computer (destination host unreachable) and no new entity shows up in Home Assistant. I know the MAC address of the board so I have assigned it an IP in my router. Using the MQTTCarPresence sketch, it's not showing up as connected at all.

I double checked that the board was actually working on Wifi OK using another sketch and was able to successfully ping the device using this so it's not the board:

When compiling and uploading using ArduinoIDE, I don't receive any errors.

Please advise on how I can resolve this issue as I'd really like to give this project a go, it looks great! If you need any extra info, just let me know :)

Many thanks