
Unrecognized totals option with BusyBox tar

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We're trying to use localhost backups with tar using the method suggested in the official FAQ
Doing so using $Conf{TarClientCmd} = '$tarPath -c -v -f - -C $shareName+ --totals'; sudo is not needed as it is run inside the container, doesn't work because Alpine uses tar from BusyBox by default, resulting in the following error:

/bin/tar: unrecognized option: totals

Alpine has also the possibility to install GNU tar from its repositories that should support also --totals option.
Could be possible to add GNU tar in the runtime dependencies?

RUN apk --no-cache --update add python3 rsync bash perl perl-archive-zip perl-xml-rss perl-cgi perl-file-listing expat samba-client iputils openssh openssl rrdtool ttf-dejavu msmtp lighttpd lighttpd-mod_auth gzip apache2-utils tzdata libstdc++ libgomp shadow ca-certificates \

Many thanks.

Hello @pandvan. I am really sorry for the delay.

I added GNU tar with version 4.3.2-3.