
In the Composer script, the tools used are external, and I want to make it easier for them to reside in dependencies

dongasai opened this issue · 7 comments

I think I could start a PR

the tools used are external, and I want to make it easier for them to reside in dependencies

sorry what is external here?

Examples are 'test:cov' needed 'pcov', and 'cs:sniff' needed 'phpcs'

pcov is pecl installable extension for code coverage, while phpcs might be composer dep
(i think first need to check #57 and #59)

#59 The "tools/ PHPCS "executable and the "phpunit" executable do not exist

phpcs and phpcbf are installed using, please check the github page. phpunit should be installed by composer.

So what I mean is that this can be used for dependency management in composer.json instead of a separate installation

Composer should be used to manage project dependencies only, not the external tools. That's why Bergmann doesn't recommend installing phpunit using composer.