
Error in material theme

spectkiller opened this issue · 4 comments

I am using kwin Wayland with KDE. These are the error I am getting whenever I execute a material theme.

error: /home/raj/.config/polybar/material/config.ini:134: Value '"Material\-Design\-Iconic\-Font:size=13;4"' of key 'font-1' contains one or more unescaped backslashes, please prepend them with the backslash escape character. error: module/mpd: Connection refused error: module/mpd: Connection refused

I am using kwin Wayland with KDE. These are the error I am getting whenever I execute a material theme.

error: /home/raj/.config/polybar/material/config.ini:134: Value '"Material\-Design\-Iconic\-Font:size=13;4"' of key 'font-1' contains one or more unescaped backslashes, please prepend them with the backslash escape character. error: module/mpd: Connection refused error: module/mpd: Connection refused

pls share your config.ini

Hey, Sorry for late reply. I have already switched to different DE (Gnome), so I think I can't help you anymore. I request to close this issue or whatever seems right way to handle it.

To answer your questions, I used the default ini file which is shipped with this.

help i have the same issue