
Setup EWW

igmt-official opened this issue · 3 comments

hello, i love your work, but sadly i don't know how can i setup the widgets on my Qtile, your instruction for installing EWW is outdated the website is server error.

Eww Documentation read this doc to install eww
or run these commands

sudo pacman -S rustup

git clone

cd eww

Before building, you must know the display server used on your machine (Xorg or Wayland)

run this command to know echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE

if the output = wayland

build eww cargo build --release --no-default-features --features=wayland

output x11 or else cargo build --release


cd target/release
chmod +x ./eww
sudo cp eww /bin

then clone widgets

git clone

cd widgets

mkdir -p ~/.config/eww

cp -r dashboard ~/.config/eww

hint :
copy launch_dashboard to the /bin or /usr/bin to access it from anywhere

cp ~/.config/eww/dashboard/launch_dashboard /bin/

I hope this can help you @igmt-official

thank you 🥰

I forgot to tell you about the setup Keybinding 😅
to run the widget bash ~/.config/eww/dashboard/launch_dashboard in terminal
or copy launch_dashboard to the /bin cp ~/.config/eww/dashboard/launch_dashboard /bin/
run launch_dashboard in terminal

or setup Keybinding in bspwm
edit ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc and add these lines

# Open/close dashboard
super + d

super+d open/close the widget