
Undefined method 'domain!'

Opened this issue · 8 comments

alxx commented


After upgrading to mina 1.0.3 (and using mina-scp 0.1.2) I started seeing this when I do an scp_upload:

mina aborted!
NoMethodError: undefined method domain!' for main:Object /Users/alxx/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.3@latestrails/gems/mina-scp-0.1.2/lib/mina/scp.rb:2:in scp_transfer'
/Users/alxx/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.3@latestrails/gems/mina-scp-0.1.2/lib/mina/scp.rb:23:in `scp_upload'

Any ideas?


Just run into exactly the same problem here.

alxx commented

Did you try replacing "domain" and the other settings with "fetch(:domain)"?
Apparently this is how mina variables should now be accessed.

alxx commented

I tried now, did not help, since I am not making use of ":user"... somehow I was also hoping mina-scp would make use of the already established scp connection, but it just calls scp. So, indeed, its better to call that directly.

alxx commented

Here's a working example:

scp -i #{fetch(:identity_file)} #{file} #{fetch(:user)}@#{fetch(:domain)}:/tmp/

(Wrap that in reverse apostrophes, "`" -- I can't seem to do it in here)

Maybe you don't need that -i, or you need some other params instead; you can customise it as you need.

Created a pull request

Same problem..

Simple solution - not install mina-scp gem, but create mina_scp.rb file based on pull request's file:

For Rails structure:

  • place mina_scp.rb in lib folder
  • in Mina's config file config/deploy.rb add require_relative '../lib/mina_scp'

And then scp_download and scp_upload will be available.